Two Beautiful Text Applications For Android And iOS

5 Apr 2013 23:00 1785 Hits 0 Comments Approved by Plimbi
There are so many application that we can use in smartphones, nowadays. The application that we can use with our smartphone or tablet is just like the utilities, games application and so on. For example if we like listening to the music, we can use one of the music applications such as Walkman and Winamp both in smartphone and tablet.
There are so many application that we can use in smartphones, nowadays. The application that we can use with our [smartphone]( "The Battle of Two Advanced Smartphones - Samsung Galaxy S2 VS iPhone 4s") or tablet is just like the utilities, games application and so on. For example if we like listening to the music, we can use one of the music applications such as Walkman and Winamp both in smartphone and tablet. There are so many things that we can do with our smartphone or tablet such as playing some games, listening to the [music]( "Nokia Music Streaming Service Launches in America"), searching some information and so many more. The smartphone gives the best thing we need all day long. We can do something creative with using those gadgets. Especially for people that really like using a picture or a text to show their creativities. If we like doing to create some pictures or texts, we can use the application for android and iOS to create our own creativeness with this application. For example an instagram, we can edit some picture with this application and share it to media inline such as twitter and Facebook. Now, we can create and edit some text using the application for android and share it to media online. We can create a text which is very unique and different from others. There are 2 applications that we can use to create some great and unique texts ever. Here are the [**Text applications**]( "Two Beautiful Text Applications For Android And iOS"): **Tweegram** The first application is Tweegram. The application can be used with operating system android and iOS. We can use this application for free, so we don’t have to spend any money for it. We can do so many things with this application. The first thing that we have to do is writing a text that represents our feeling and choosing a background that we want to use for. We can use more and less 23 different backgrounds. We can use so many features with this application such as changing the size of the text, changing the font, positioning the text as we wanted to, and so on. We can share the text to the media social online such as [Twitter]( "Sony and Twitter Excited by Firefox OS, Samsung Not So Much") and Facebook. So everybody could see how creative you are. **Textgram** The second application is Textgram. We can run Textgram application with Android 2.1+. There are two kinds of textgram application. We can use it for free and using some money for additional features. We can use so many features for free such as editing the text, changing the backgrounds, covering the text, framing, changing the font, coloring the text, and so many things that we can do. If we want to use the watermark in this application, we have to spend $2 to use it. We can write everything that we want to write for. After we write it down, we can use the Randomize to choose the background automatically. But if we want to choose it by our self, we can use Design Your Own Text Image to manage the text with our own self. There are about 7 tabs that we can use to edit the text like Template, Sticker, Font, Effects, Backgrounds, Filters, and Frames. If the editing proses was done, we can share the text to media [online]( "Google Play Market VS App Store - The Differences between Two Excellent and Widely Used Online Stores") such as Twitter and Facebook. **Conclusion** If you are one the users of android smartphone, Textgram is the best application that you can use than Tweegram. It’s all your choice. What are you waiting for, just download this application right away!!! Enjoy it. [NRZ]

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