Are You Ready To Rock With The Game PlayStation 3 - Grand Thief Auto V?

2 Apr 2013 23:00 1863 Hits 0 Comments Approved by Plimbi
Again, the world will be made breathtaking. After we heard about the launching of PlayStation 4 which is one of the best product video game from Sony, right now, we already -œburned- again with the hot news from Rockstar Games.
Again, the world will be made breathtaking. After we heard about the launching of PlayStation 4 which is one of the best product video game from Sony, right now, we already "burned” again with the hot news from Rockstar Games. I’m sure that the biggest pieces of gamers in the world have already known about the game called grand Thief Auto. Yes, the game which has a lot of controversial and also has a lot of achievements back to the business. Maybe, some gamers ever played the game called Grand Thief Auto in PlayStation One, PlayStation 2, and the last one is in the [**game PlayStation 3**]( "Are You Ready To Rock With The Game PlayStation 3 - Grand Thief Auto V?"). It makes the Grand Thief Auto became one of the legend in the kind of any games in the wide world. Wondering why? Off course the point is because million people play this game so many times, and also has a lot of the things that very controversial in it. Grand Thief Auto which is one of the [action games]( "The Hunger Games Trivia Overview for iOS and Android-based Devices") has unacceptable action in it, very rude, and the all of the main character in this game have the mind of killing a people. Most of the aims in the games are about the criminalization such as robbery, murder, and murderer. What makes the Grand Thief Auto has a lot of controversial issue is the player of the game itself. A lot of children play this game without guidance in playing this game from the parents. The children should not playing this game because there are a lot of the harsh thing in this game such as the using a language that full of slang words, rude attitude, guns, jack ass, and so many unacceptable things. If we do nothing, our children will be the victims of the negative effects from this game somehow. The [adventure Game]( "Avadon The Black Fortress - The Old-fashioned Role Playing Adventure Game") called Grand Thief Auto which shows the dark world in the big city of America is adopted the picture of the real life in the world. In this game, we can see the people is walking around, biking, riding the motorcycle, driving a car, taxis, buses, trucks, sport station, mall, and even the heavy army armor such a tank, we can see and even we can use it. Don’t ever ask about the graphic of this game, the graphic of the Grand Thief Auto is really fantastic. It looks very real like the faces of the people, the breathing people, hair, trees, seas, the beaches, and even the animals look like very real. Grand Thief Auto V makes a lot of great innovation in the [technology]( "Galaxy Note - The Gigantic Screen with HD SUPER AMOLED Technology") of the game and it makes the game has an amazing graphic in it. The way of the story runs in this game, it really looks like a real life in our real life. In this game, we have to run and finish the mission. But, what kind of missions are? The mission that we have to run is just like in the previous Grand Thief Auto "criminal things” such as robbery, killing a target, selling drugs, hit and run, and so on. We have to do those things to make some money to life with. Just like a real life, if there is a crime, so there is a judgment. We have to take [control]( "Xbox 720 Could Have 'Siri-like' Voice Control") the situation if we haunted by the police. We have to make the job very clean, so the police couldn’t catch us when we are trying to finish the job. Mafia’s life, that’s what we will live with. We have to be familiar with those lives like mafia in this game. So are we ready to run the life in this game? If you wouldn’t to be killed, you better to ready then. But when the Grand Thief Auto V will be released? We can wait until September 17th 2013. [NZR]

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