The Variant of Color Blindness Test Applications for Your Android Smartphone

21 Dec 2012 14:15 1992 Hits 0 Comments Approved by Plimbi
If you wish to download the color blindness test application for Android device, simply visit the Android Market and then look for it under the category of medical or health and fitness. You may alternatively type in the phrase -œcolor blindness test- in the search box and then you will be given the list of these applications.
If you wish to download the [**color blindness test**]( "The Variant of Color Blindness Test Applications for Your Android Smartphone") application for Android device, simply visit the Android Market and then look for it under the category of medical or health and fitness. You may alternatively type in the phrase "color blindness test” in the search box and then you will be given the list of these applications. All of these applications are generally having the same feature namely to check whether you are color-blind or not. Usually, you will be shown a few pictures with numbers inside it. Then you need to tell the application what number you think it is. Finally, you may then check if you are correct or wrong. Just in case you are wrong, it’s better for you to consult the physician. For your information, color-blind or color vision deficiency is the lack of ability or decreased ability to see certain colors. The person who is color-blind will also unable to perceive color differences. The following are the recommended color vision deficiency test application for the [Android-based smartphone]( "Trik Jitu Update Android Pada Ponsel LG Optimus 2X"). The first recommended color blindness test application will be the Color Test. This is developed by the Vaughnweb and it has been rated four stars in the Android Market. The application is actually a Cassiopeia-authorized port of the Ishihara test for color vision deficiency. This helpful application is also available for [iPhone]( "Tips Setting iPhone - Mengorganisir Aplikasi agar Lebih Efektif") and it is highly recommended by several medical specialists around the world. The app requires the device to have the Android OS 1.0 (or above) to be installed and it comes with the installation file size of only 1.8 Mb. The next useful color blindness test application will be the one which is developed by the sky11078002. This app consists of four groups of testing which include simple figures of digits group, geometry group, animal graphics group and the complex figures of digits group. The developer claimed that this program is very suitable for the needs of recruiting employees, soldiers, and admitting students to the polytechnic schools or universities. To install this application, the device need to be installed with the OS 2.0 or above and it will take about 5.1 Mb of your memory space. You may also wish to try the color blindness test application from the CherryCode [developer]( "Tips Developer - Cara Membuat Aplikasi Anda Agar Laku Dalam Pasar Google Play") and it is available in free and paid version. The current free version of this app is the 1.21 version. This software requires the Android OS 2.1 or newer and it will consume about 1.6 Mb of your memory space. The good thing about the free version will be the integration of a search tool in the application. The paid version of this color blindness test application has the "donate” addition next to its name. It costs about USD 1.26 and it will require the OS Android 1.6 or later. This paid version is generally the same with the free version. The good things about this paid version are the absence of advertisements and also the allowance for users to contribute and help developers to perform some refinements. [IS]

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