The Overview of BlackBerry 10 OS for the Touchscreen BB Smartphone

13 Nov 2012 19:00 4693 Hits 0 Comments Approved by Plimbi
After announcing the BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.0, Research IN Motion (RIM) continues its innovation by unveiling the BlackBerry 10 operating system for the line of BB handsets as well as tablets. This is actually the handheld and proprietary platform developed by the company which comes with several improvements and refinements in the field of functionalities along with user interface. The following are the overview of BlackBerry 10 OS for your own consideration.
After announcing the BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.0, Research IN Motion (RIM) continues its innovation by unveiling the [**BlackBerry 10**]( "The Overview of BlackBerry 10 OS for the Touchscreen BB Smartphone") operating system for the line of BB handsets as well as tablets. This is actually the handheld and proprietary platform developed by the company which comes with several improvements and refinements in the field of functionalities along with user interface. The following are the overview of BlackBerry 10 OS for your own consideration. Unlike the Google’s Android operating system, BlackBerry 10 OS is definitely a closed-source platform. Consequently, anybody can’t participate in developing this system since the company has exclusively developed this OS especially for the touchscreen or touch and type handset. Generally, the previous model of BB [smartphone]( "An Overview of the Gameplay and Cheats on Grand Theft Auto 3 for the Smartphone and Tablet PC") with BlackBerry OS 7 for example Torch 9810, Torch 9860 or perhaps BlackBerry Porsche will support for this platform. In terms of software platform, BlackBerry 10 OS includes the BBX-OS and this also support for applications which have been written in C/C++ as well as HTML- based apps. As a result, this platform contains a number of apps which have been made using the BlackBerry WebWorks and HTML5 for BlackBerry OS. Moreover, the number of apps which have been made with the Native SDK for BB PlayBook OS will be compatible with this latest operating system from the company. You will discover that the user interface of BlackBerry 10 OS has been modified and it resembles with BB PlayBook OS in smaller version. At the first time you look the home-screen of this OS, you will also see the similarity with Windows Phone’s live tiles and also the overall look of iOS platform. You may also discover some widgets and the message list look like the [Android widgets]( "The List of Best Android Widgets 2012"). There will be the nice caller screen that comes with a solid visual style as well. Inside the BlackBerry 10 OS, there will be also the improvement for the icon tray that has been considered will bring the smarter icon functionalities. You will also discover the folder icon which will shows the icons of apps inside along with the pictures icon that will show the images or photos from the album gallery. Other good thing is that the clock icon will be capable of showing the time of your next set alarm. In addition, this platform has been optimized for the video-calling necessity since it provides the icon for video chat. So, whenever the device is ready with its front-facing camera for [video]( "ASUS AiCloud - The Company Reveals AiCloud Features in New Teaser Video") calls, simply opt for this icon easily. Taken as a whole, the BlackBerry 10 OS can be a true competitor for the previously released operating systems in the market for instance Android OS, Windows Phone OS or perhaps iOS from Apple Inc. But sorry to say, this OS seems to be the follower of those popular platforms especially in terms of visual interface along with the widgets or icons appearance. Furthermore, only the most current BB smartphone which will likely support for this platform since it has been optimized for the touch-screen and also the touch and type BB handsets. [IS]

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