The Future of Short Message Service (SMS)

7 May 2013 18:00 1612 Hits 0 Comments Approved by Plimbi

The service of Short Message Service or SMS is one of the popular medium communications which accessed with the cell phone. A long with the development of smartphone and chatting applications, the popularity of SMS looks like fading by the time.

The service of Short Message Service or SMS is one of the popular medium communications which accessed with the cell phone. A long with the development of smartphone and chatting applications, the popularity of SMS looks like fading by the time.

The Informa global reports shows that the average of sending messages per day using with chatting applications was higher than SMS in 2012. The chatting applications are WhatsApp, BlackBerry Messenger, Viber, Nimbuzz, iMessage, and KakaoTalk. In the next 2014, Infroma predicts that the users of chatting application will send about 50 million messages per day. The number of chatting application users are not include with Facebook Messenger User for Android and Ten Cent Application from China.

Although Short Message Service was beaten by chatting applications, SMS is predicted will still alive until the next view years. According to BBC, there are still a lot of things that we can do with SMS.

The user of chatting application is sending about 36,2 percent per day, whereas the SMS users are sending only 5 messages per day.

The reason of it is relating with the price. Generaly, the chatting application can be used for free, but we have to use some cost in sending the text using SMS.

Clark-Dickson said that I thought SMS will still alive for the next view years. Informa predicts that the incomes from SMS will still raising $ 127 million on 2016. [NRZ]


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