A New Feature for Google Glass

11 May 2013 15:00 1548 Hits 0 Comments Approved by Plimbi

The tweet with using “# throughglass” has been uploaded by @MogroothMuddler a view time ago. The tweet made some the issues that the tweet has been sent from “Twitter for Glass”.

The tweet with using “# throughglass” has been uploaded by @MogroothMuddler a view time ago. The tweet made some the issues that the tweet has been sent from “Twitter for Glass”. The source of this tweeter was claimed from the new application feature from Google Glass.

According to The Inquirer from AllThingsD, the issue of the tweet has been uploaded from Google Glass is true.

The though is based on the fact that the Tweeter is not allow to put name “Twitter” in the name of another application which is not in the legal agreement.

The mysterious account @MogroothMuddler was erased right away when he sent that tweet. But when the account was tracked, the account of this twitter belongs to the Engineering Manager Twitter.

“#throughglass” itself has ever been showed up by Google to posting Google+ using Google Glass.

The developer – Jon Gottfried ever made his own application called “Glass Tweet” which was used to send the tweet from the Google Glass.

He realized that there are another tweets using the “#throughglass” has been uploaded not using his application. But it used the “Twitter for Glass” in from the source information. Google Glass probably could be used to send the tweet easily like pictures, just like what Gottfried did and the mysterious account @MogroothMuddler.

There is no more information about how to input the text that could be used to type for 140 characters in one tweet using Google Glass.

In fact, the Executive Chairman Google Eric Schmidt ever said that talking by yourself using Google Glass (like to input the text using the recognition voice) is the most odd thing to do. [NRZ]


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