The Specifications of Google Glass

25 Apr 2013 22:00 1695 Hits 0 Comments Approved by Plimbi
The rumors about smart glasses Google Glass is going so fast. Google released the specification of their Google glass as their new gadget product.
The rumors about smart glasses Google Glass is going so fast. Google released the specification of their [**Google glass**](http://www.plimbi.com/news/71641/the-specifications-of-google-glass "The Specifications of Google Glass") as their new gadget product. So, what is the component in Google Glass? Let’s start from the screen of the Google Glas. According to Techcrunch, Google Glass is using the best lens ever like display high definition with the arrange is about 2,5 m. But Google did not want to share about the resolution of the screen itself yet. Google only said that the resolution of the picture in the screen has to be 640 x 360. The resolution could be a standard resolution for the Google Glass. The first smart glasses from Google is also has the camera and could record a video HD 720 pixels. The glasses have the memory up to 16 GB, so we can save the data like the picture and video in smart glasses. The application in Google Glass synchronizes to cloud storage Google. Google glass is using the battery which could stay for all day long. But we can run out the battery if we use so many features such as recording a video or talking with Google Hangout. One of the most unique features of Google Glass is "Bone conduction transducer”. Google Glass could transmit the voice through the ears. Let’s take a look about the specifications of this Google Glass. **Screen** The resolution of the screen likes display high definition with the arrange about 2,5 m. **Camera** we can have 5 mega pixels in taking a picture or HD 1280 x 720 pixels in recording a video. **Audio** Google Glass is using Bone Conduction Transducer in audio feature. **Connectivity** Google Glass has WiFi 802.11b.g and Bluetooth. **Storage** Google Glass has 16 GB, and 12 GB that we can use to keep some data. It synchronizes with cloud storage Google. **Battery** We could use the Google Glass for one day long. But we can run out the battery faster if we use some features like taking a picture and recording a video. **Charger** Google Glass is using special Charger and port micro-USB. [NRZ]

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