Hacker Anonymous Attacks the Government System of North Korea

25 Apr 2013 23:00 2102 Hits 0 Comments Approved by Plimbi
Again, hacker anonymous shows their skills to attack some digital profits of the Government system of North Korea. Hacker anonymous doesn-™t want to stop in doing their actions. According to *The Inquirer*, Anonymous claimed that they-™re hacked the North Korea-™s sites.
Again, [**hacker anonymous**](http://www.plimbi.com/news/71612/hacker-anonymous-attacks-the-government-system-of-north-korea "Hacker Anonymous Attacks the Government System of North Korea") shows their skills to attack some digital profits of the Government system of North Korea. Hacker anonymous doesn’t want to stop in doing their actions. According to *The Inquirer*, Anonymous claimed that they’re hacked the North Korea’s sites. We can see the proof of hacker anonymous steps with looking at the twitter account of propaganda agent Uriminzokkiri (@uriminzok) which has been taken by Anonymous. According to hacker Anonymous itself, there are more and less 9 sites of North Korea have been hacked by Anonymous so far. Some sites couldn’t be accessed. While the rest of it has deface or it has been modified by hacker like modified the great leader of North Korea, Kim-Jong Un picture. Previously, Anonymous was taken the Twitter account and flickr of North Korea. The account said that the account is not active any longer. Anonymous also wrote some statements in pastebin.com about the next their cyber plan to North Korea. [NRZ]

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