Indonesian Hackers Attack Israel’s Sites

24 Apr 2013 23:45 2746 Hits 0 Comments Approved by Plimbi
Anonymous said that they are going to make a great operation to hack Israel-™s sites. Anonymous has been hacked an important sites of Israel since the last 7th April. The operation called #OpIsrael is one of the global actions from Anonymous. Anonymous invites another hacker around the globe to turn all Israel-™s site off in internet.

Anonymous said that they are going to make a great operation to hack Israel’s sites. Anonymous has been hacked an important sites of Israel since the last 7th April. The operation called #OpIsrael is one of the global actions from Anonymous. Anonymous invites another hacker around the globe to turn all Israel’s site off in internet.

The operation has been disabling more and less 100.000 Israel’s sites since the #OpIsrael began in the beginning of April. The operation itself is supported by a lot of hackers around the world. The Indonesian hackers are also support this operation. As hackersnewsbulletin.com says, there is an Indonesian hacker who contributes to attack the Israel’s sites. Balnkon33 is the name of Indonesian hacker who joins in this operation.

Blankon33 has been hacked about three sites of Israel such as:

  1. https://smarteq.co.il/lib/_uploads/images/images.php

  2. http://web.ramgat.co.il/includes/x.html

  3. http://qsi.co.il

Besides Blankon33, there is one more hacker called Aceh Cyber Team. There is no one who says that Aceh Cyber Team is from Indonesia. But the fan page Facebook #OpIsrael says that Aceh Cyber Team also support this operation to attack Israel’s sites. Aceh Cyber Team has been attacked Israel’s sites for almost 95 sites.

Israel Says that #OpIsrael is Fail

Although anonymous claimed that they are already hacked a lot of important sites of Israel in the internet, but Israel’s government says that they don’t have a big deal with this operation. Yitzhak Ben Yisrael from the cyber security of Israel said to AP on Friday that a lot of hackers failed to hack the Israel’s sites. He said that #OpIsrael didn’t make a serious damage to take control of their vital government infrastructures.

According to Annie Machon from the ex- Military Intelegance Section 5 or MI5 (England), the operation of Anonymous is not to still some information. She said that the operation is just about a protest for some country.

Dr Tal Pavel the CEO of MiddleEasterNet also has the same main point with Annie Machon. He said that even though there are some sites have already been hacked, but there is no important information that spread out to the world. There are no serious damages to the main system of the Israel’s sites. [NRZ]


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