BlackBerry Popularity Is Not That Great In America

23 Apr 2013 21:30 1564 Hits 0 Comments Approved by Plimbi
BlackBerry Z10 has been released since March 2013 in USA. But only a view people who knows about this smartphone in their country. A lot of people in USA didn-™t know that BlackBerry Z10 has been released already. This we will try to find out the BlackBerry popularity in America.

BlackBerry Z10 has been released since March 2013 in USA. But only a view people who knows about this smartphone in their country. A lot of people in USA didn’t know that BlackBerry Z10 has been released already. This we will try to find out the BlackBerry popularity in America.

According to MKM Partners, from 1.500 people, there are about 82,6 percent didn’t know at all that BlackBerry Z10 has been released with both new operating system and new platform. It shows that BlackBerry popularity in America is not that good.

About 68 percent people are not interested in using BlackBerry Z10 smartphone. "It’s only about 13 percent people who already knew that BlackBerry Z10 has been released since March 2013, and it surprises all of us. The survey was taken since 7th March to 2nd April 2013, when the first time BlackBerry Z10 released by AT&T at 22 March 2013, T-Mobile 22 March 2013, and Verizon 28 March 2013.”

The MKM Partner analyzer Michael Genovese said that "the smartphone which using operating system from Microsoft, Windows Phone 8 is also has the same result as BlackBerry Z10 in some surveys.”

There are more and less about 61 percent people who didn’t know about the Windows Phone 8. It’s about 64 percent people didn’t want to use this Windows Phone 8 smartphone. [NRZ]


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