The Hobby of The First Lady in Indonesia Ani Yudhoyono

23 Apr 2013 23:45 1904 Hits 0 Comments Approved by Plimbi
Mrs. Ani Yudhoyono has a hobby in photography. She is really like taking a picture and uploading her pictures into a social media such as sharing the pictures in Instagram. According to Kompas.com, there is an account named -œaniyudhoyono- in Instagram account.

Mrs. Ani Yudhoyono has a hobby in photography. She is really like taking a picture and uploading her pictures into a social media such as sharing the pictures in Instagram. According to Kompas.com, there is an account named "aniyudhoyono” in Instagram account. The bio of the account says that "Akun Resmi Ibu Negara Republik Indoensia”. All of the photos were taken by Ani Yudhoyono herself.

The first picture was uploaded on 10th April 2013. Each photo has own description to show the meaning of the photo itself.

At the bottom of the photos, there are a description says: c. Ani Yudhoyono - 2013. Ani Yudhoyono uploaded more and less 41 photos and has 11845 follower and 3 following (22/04/2013).

Previously, Mrs. Ani Yudhoyono made documentation about her art in the photography book called The Colors of Harmony - A Photography Journey by Ani Yudhoyono. The book released on 28th October 2011 along with the gallery exhibition of her art. [NRZ]


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