There Is No More Free Application for iOS

11 Apr 2013 23:40 1654 Hits 0 Comments Approved by Plimbi
There is a bad news for free application users. Apple erased free application for iOS in the app store already. There is no credible information why Apple erases their free application for iOS yet.

There is a bad news for free application users. Apple erased free application for iOS in the app store already. There is no credible information why Apple erases their free application for iOS yet.

At the beginning of April 2013, AllThingsD said that free application probably violates some rules in Apple. Apple has so many rules, one of those rules say that "Apple doesn’t allow the existence of another application in theirs”. It’s because the function of those application have the same function with their application in App Store.

Another rule says that "The application couldn’t use push notification to send promotions, direct marketing, and kind of advertisement”.

Free Application is made by Simon Dawlat who works in a company from Paris, France. The company could take about 13,5 million US dollar from free application in January 2013. More and less 7 million people around the globe use the free application. We could download more and less 500.000 times free application with our smartphone.

Besides give the profits for Free Application, the services are also giving another profit to another applications developer around the globe. The application is promoted by free application store. If you already used a free application in iOS, you can still use and accept a free application and special offers to use some free applications. [NRZ]


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