The Apple Contributions for The Next View Years

9 Apr 2013 23:55 1605 Hits 0 Comments Approved by Plimbi
The domination of operating systems windows for smartphone is always better than Apple, nowadays. But the domination of windows phone is predicted will never stay any longer. The prediction says that the domination of windows phone will end at the end of 2013.

The domination of operating systems windows for smartphone is always better than Apple, nowadays. But the domination of windows phone is predicted will never stay any longer. The prediction says that the domination of windows phone will end at the end of 2013. Gartner predicts Apple contributions for the next view years are quite great than windows phone. The selling price of iPhone, iPad, and Mac will be better than PC, tablet, and windows smartphone.

For almost 159 million units of Apple smartphone were sold last year, but windows phone sold more and less 175 million units in a year. According to Gartner, the sale of Apple will go up about 233 million units in 2013. But windows phone is only about 181 million units in the same year. The Apple contributions will make the dominations of windows phone unstable.

The situation like this is threating for the Microsoft in dominating the IT. The journalist Gartner Carolina Milanesi from The Financial Times says "if the consumers didn’t buy their product, the producer is not interested in developing their product”. The Microsoft has to take control the selling price of their products to make their consumer stay relevant.

Gartner predicts that the sale of tablet will take the domination of PC at 2015 with using Android operating system as the main system. The second position will be a Microsoft or Apple. [NZR]


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