Firefox 17 beta Prepares for a More Social Browsing Future

16 Oct 2012 15:30 2019 Hits 0 Comments Approved by Plimbi
Mozilla has been experimenting with ways to make Firefox more social for a long, long time. With the arrival of Firefox 17 beta, the Social API is officially ready for testing by developers around the web.
Geek.com - [Mozilla](http://www.plimbi.com/article/3358/mozilla-vs-firefox "Ternyata Mozilla vs Firefox itu Berbeda? Cari Tahu Perbedannya di Sini") has been experimenting with ways to make Firefox more social for a long, long time. With the arrival of [**Firefox 17**](http://www.plimbi.com/news/11507/firefox-17-beta-prepares-for-a-more-social-browsing-future "Firefox 17 beta Prepares for a More Social Browsing Future") beta, the Social API is officially ready for testing by developers around the web. Some of you might be thinking, "Hey, [Firefox](http://www.plimbi.com/article/10732/firefox-add-ons-screenshots "Tujuh Firefox Add Ons untuk Membuat Screenshots") with deep social integration… I swear I’ve seen that somewhere before,” and you’d be right. Around four years ago, Flock 2 was released. It was built with social networking in mind from the get-go, and its developers used Firefox 3 as a starting point. Flock’s first beta hit the web way back in 2007. Last year, Zynga decided it was time to bury the underappreciated browser just a few months after acquiring it (though Flock.com hints that a resurrection is in the works). Has that much changed in a year in terms of how we use the web? No, but Mozilla’s implementation will look very different than what Flock presented its users. Mozilla has built the Social API with knowledge and experience gathered from sources like its own Firefox Share add-on (formerly F1) and is leaving the actual social activities up to site developers. Firefox 17+ will feature the Social API and "a small floating panel,” or a sidebar. Apart from just merely allowing users to easily post links to sites like Facebook and Twitter, Mozilla also anticipates users like automatically announcing your online presence to friends when you sign in to your favorite web-based [games](http://www.plimbi.com/article/9706/kumpulan-game-gratis-android "Kumpulan Game Gratis Khusus Android di Situs Androidgamesroom"). That’s provided, of course, that you’ve explicitly activated such functionality. As you’d expect from Mozilla, the goal with the Social API isn’t just to make socializing in Firefox easier. It’s also meant to give users greater control over their social surfing. [IS]

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