The List of Best Android Widgets 2012

1 Oct 2012 12:30 3198 Hits 0 Comments Approved by Plimbi
For the majority of Android handset users, the widgets on the home screen will probably one of the most essential and attractive parts. For this reason, any users will tend to search for best Android widgets on Play Market in order to get the widgets that may come with more beautiful look as well as new and more helpful functionalities. In this post, you will discover the good and recommended collection of best new widgets for Android which you can download for free.
For the majority of Android handset users, the widgets on the home screen will probably one of the most essential and attractive parts. For this reason, any users will tend to search for [**best Android widgets**](http://www.plimbi.com/news/11226/best-android-widgets-2012 "The List of Best Android Widgets 2012") on Play Market in order to get the widgets that may come with more beautiful look as well as new and more helpful functionalities. In this post, you will discover the good and recommended collection of best new widgets for Android which you can download for free. **Android Pro Widgets** This can be considered as one of the best new widgets for [Android](http://www.plimbi.com/article/2455/battery-callibration-130911 "Battery Callibration - Cara Efektif Perawatan Baterai Android ") mainly because it offers a great number of useful functionalities and also the easiness in customizing your widgets. The application is best for those who like to periodically change the look of Android smartphone along with the interface options. This is actually a widgets package that includes Agenda & Calendar, People, Bookmarks, Messaging, Facebook, Twitter, Timeline and many others. To download this app you can [click here](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rdr.widgets.core&feature=search_result "download") and it requires at least OS 2.1 or up. **Powerful Control** If you look for the nearly perfect home screen widget that will host toggle switches for various settings, then the Powerful Control is a must-have app for you to obtain. The app is great for quickly turning off or on the Bluetooth, [Wi-Fi](http://www.plimbi.com/article/1047/pemanasan-global-merusak-sinyal-wifi "Pemanasan Global Merusak Sinyal Wi-Fi!"), data sync, GPS, silent mode and many more. Unfortunately, you will find out that there will some ads that will pop up once a week in the notification bar which can be rather annoying. To download this app, [click here](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.farproc.powerfulcontrol.free&feature=also_installed#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEwNCwiY29tLmZhcnByb2MucG93ZXJmdWxjb250cm9sLmZyZWUiXQ.. "download") and it requires OS 2.3 or above. **Onavo Count - Monitor Data** This can be the excellent app on Play Market which can be used to monitor your 3G data usage. By using this app, you will be able to know the amount of megabytes (MB) that you have used and which apps that have greatly consumed them. One of the nicest features will be the automatic blocking tools that will keep you safe from bloated data bills. [Click here](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.onavo.android.onavoid&feature=search_result "download") if you decide to install this app and make sure your device has been loaded with OS 2.2 (Froyo) or above. **Memento** In case you look for the app that has the similar functionality with Sticky Note of [Windows](http://www.plimbi.com/article/2599/windows-phone-7 "Lima Tips bagi Pemilik Windows Phone 7"), then Memento will be very appropriate for you to be applied on your current Android handset. By using this app, you can simply write important note and then you can quickly access it from the home screen. However, you will find out that there’s no option to increase the text size. But overall, it is still worth to obtain and you can [click here](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.redwarp.widget.memento&feature=search_result "download") to download it. **Groupon** This is the last recommended app in this list of best widgets for Android that will basically allow people to find great deals on stuff nearby. By having this app, users will be able to quickly scroll through deals right on their home screen. To download this app, you can just [click here](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.groupon&feature=search_result "download") and it will require at least Android 2.1 (Eclair) or newer. [IS]

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