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Why should I use DuckDuckGo instead of Google?

Why should I use DuckDuckGo instead of Google?

So what make A Browser Duck Duck go is a must go to browser, okay i no talk here because because the CEO & Founder at DuckDuckGo.com (2008~Present) name Gabriel Weinberg's, He say...
Dwisesha Bagas
Dwisesha Bagas
5 years
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Keuntungan-Keuntungan Menjadi Seorang Programmer

Keuntungan-Keuntungan Menjadi Seorang Programmer

sebelum memutuskan untuk menjadi seorang programmer sebaiknya kamu membaca ini terlebih dahulu
5 years
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Why is Google the world's best search engine?

Why is Google the world's best search engine?

Google has been on air since 1998 and it has been almost 2 decades. Within these past years it has achived a whole new unbreakable milestone that none other can compete. And a few things that makes Google successful...
Dwisesha Bagas
Dwisesha Bagas
5 years
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Game Online Buatan Google

Game Online Buatan Google

Game Game Tersembunyi di google yang bisa membuat hatimu hepi
5 years
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Tips memilih aksesoris Smarthphone

Tips memilih aksesoris Smarthphone

Sebagai generasi milenial, sebagian besar dari kita pasti sudah tahu bahwa gadget itu memiliki peranan yang sangat penting dalam mendukung aktivitas atau rutinitas harian kita. Contoh yang paling konkrit sendiri adalah smartphone; atau dalam bahasa Indonesia biasa kita sebut dengan ponsel pintar.

Dinamakan ponsel pintar karena gadget tersebut sangat membantu pemiliknya dalam menyelesaikan berbagai aktivitas hariannya. Sayangnya, sepintar‐pintarnya gadget, ponsel pintar ini tidak sesempurna yang diharapkan.

Plimbi Editor
Plimbi Editor
5 years
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Top 12 Best PlayStation 2 Games of All Time

Top 12 Best PlayStation 2 Games of All Time

The PlayStation 2 had really flipped the gaming industry on its head when it came down to memorable games. There were so many games released on it that latched onto gamers like leeches. These games stand out in many gamers’ minds as some of the best games to ever grace their console. With that out of the way, sit back and enjoy our picks for the 15 Best PS2 Games of All Time.

Before we move ahead, we like to point out that the PS2 had an insane library of games. So, your favorite games may not be on this list. After all this is our opinion, so please keep this in mind.

Dwisesha Bagas
Dwisesha Bagas
5 years
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AMD Ryzen TR (Current best CPU)

AMD Ryzen TR (Current best CPU)

Really neat Spec for the ULTIMATE GAMING /  WORKSTASION Because it has a lots i mean lots of core you can play game while you editing that 4K videos. But, power came with the price not just price that you will buy that gigantic CPU you need also buy the cooller of this beast because boy oh boy it very very HOT ! So you need at least a liquid cooller that is just the minimum okay.
Dwisesha Bagas
Dwisesha Bagas
5 years
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Erwin Arnada Bagi Tips Membuat Film  di Akber Bali 84

Erwin Arnada Bagi Tips Membuat Film di Akber Bali 84

Erwin Arnada Bagi Tips Membuat Film Berkelas, Akber Bali 84 Diserbu Millenial

Herdian Armandhani
Herdian Armandhani
5 years
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Kenapa Sih Banyak Orang yang Bisa Percaya Sama Informasi Hoax?

Kenapa Sih Banyak Orang yang Bisa Percaya Sama Informasi Hoax?

Karena faktanya, tidak ada jaminan mutlak semua orang bebas dari hoax. Siapapun bisa saja terkena atau percaya sama hoax. Pertanyaannya kenapa banyak orang bisa percaya informasi hoax? 
Rianda Prayoga
Rianda Prayoga
5 years
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TMMD : "Wanita Tangguh Desa Mekarsari"

TMMD : "Wanita Tangguh Desa Mekarsari"

Terlihat sosok seorang ibu diantara para anggota satgas TMMD dan warga masyarakat yang yang mayoritas laki-laki, dengan beban di tangan membawa batu untuk pengerasan jalan pada program TMMD ke 104 di desa Mekarsari Kecamatan Bojong Pandeglang, terlihat bersemangat nampak keringat bercucuran, terik sinar matahari begitu panas menyengat tak begitu dirasakan oleh sosok ibu satu ini.
agus rizal
agus rizal
5 years
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Jangan Suka Ngotot, Menurut Penelitian Itu Tanda Orang Bodoh

Jangan Suka Ngotot, Menurut Penelitian Itu Tanda Orang Bodoh

Pendapat ini datang dari sebuah penelitian baru-baru ini. Sebuah studi yang dipublikasi pada jurnal nature yang menjelaskan orang yang memiliki sifat ngotot cenderung memiliki pengetahuan yang kurang.
Rianda Prayoga
Rianda Prayoga
5 years
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Arti Dibalik Logo Smartphone

Arti Dibalik Logo Smartphone

Apasih Makna dari logo smartphone kalian?
5 years
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Why AMD are cheap ?

Why AMD are cheap ?

Why are AMD's [CPU] chips cheaper than Intel's? Why just Why ?
Dwisesha Bagas
Dwisesha Bagas
5 years
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Anitya Izhar Juarai Pasinggiri Nulis Naskah Pidato Basa Sunda

Anitya Izhar Juarai Pasinggiri Nulis Naskah Pidato Basa Sunda

Kegiatan dalam uppaya lestarikan Bahasa Sunda
Buddy Wirawan
Buddy Wirawan
5 years
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Triple your Battery Life for FREE! THIS METHOD REALLY WORKS !

Triple your Battery Life for FREE! THIS METHOD REALLY WORKS !

So you just get important task and your battery laptop is dying (is a living nightmare) there is no way to charge it. so you get into a desperation mode and try all wacky battery saving tips and you read about it online. From turning the brightness down, change the resolution, until installing a battery optimization apps that running on background. (whaaaat that not make any sense), but don't worry here i will give you tricks that "actually" give you that more juice for your work.
Dwisesha Bagas
Dwisesha Bagas
5 years
Approved by Plimbi
Fakta game Pac-Man yang jarang diketahui oleh penggemar game nya sendiri

Fakta game Pac-Man yang jarang diketahui oleh penggemar game nya sendiri

tahukah kamu? sebelum diberi nama pac-man, game ini dulu bernama puck-man,kenapa?,lalu adanya misteri di level 256 ? lebih lengkapnya silahkan baca artikel saya
5 years
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Small Detail in the video games that was awesome!

Small Detail in the video games that was awesome!

If there’s one thing gamers enjoy in their video games- no matter what platform they prefer to play on or what kind of games they like better than others- its attention to detail. Sure, we all love a good story, solid game design, and incredible visuals go a long way toward making the experience that much more special, but seeing tiny little details in the background that don’t necessarily do much to enhance the gameplay in any way but actually contribute significantly toward making the game richer and more immersive is great. It just goes to show that a lot of the times, developers actually go out of their way to put an incredible amount of work into the development of these video games, even on tiny details that may not, at first glance, seem all that significant.
Dwisesha Bagas
Dwisesha Bagas
5 years
Approved by Plimbi
Review The Flash Season 2

Review The Flash Season 2

Review Seri The Flash Season 2
Akmal Athallah
Akmal Athallah
5 years
Rocky Gerung Sebarkan Virul Akal Sehat di Bali

Rocky Gerung Sebarkan Virul Akal Sehat di Bali

Rocky Gerung Sebarkan Virul Akal Sehat di Bali
Herdian Armandhani
Herdian Armandhani
5 years
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Sambut Hari Raya Nyepi, Komunitas KNB Berbagi dengan Lansia Penghuni Panti Sosial

Sambut Hari Raya Nyepi, Komunitas KNB Berbagi dengan Lansia Penghuni Panti Sosial

Sambut Hari Raya Nyepi, Komunitas KNB Berbagi dengan Lansia Penghuni Panti Sosial

Herdian Armandhani
Herdian Armandhani
5 years
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