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Angin Segar bagi Pengekspor Produk ke Australia

Angin Segar bagi Pengekspor Produk ke Australia

Pada 4 Maret lalu Pemerintah Indonesia resmi menandatangani perjanjian  IA-CEPA dengan Pemerintah Australia. Perjanjian ini berisi pembebasan bea impor 100% untuk produk Indonesia ke Australia dan pembebasan bea impor 94% untuk produk dari Australia ke Indonesia 
5 years
Approved by Plimbi
Batas-batas Wilayah Laut Indonesia

Batas-batas Wilayah Laut Indonesia

Indonesia adalah negara kepulauan terbesar dan negara dengan wilayah laut terbesar no 2 di dunia. Tentunya untuk menjaga wilayah laut ini harus dipertegas dengan batas-batas wilayah. Pada kesempatan kali ini penulis akan membahas tentang batas-batas wilayah laut Indonesia 
Kevin Girvan
Kevin Girvan
5 years
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Mau beli Redmi Note 7? Jangan Baca ini!!! Nanti Batal Beli

Mau beli Redmi Note 7? Jangan Baca ini!!! Nanti Batal Beli

Mau kubu Redmi Note 7 atau Realme 3 Pro, keduanya adalah smartphone dengan price to performance yang sama-sama mantap dikelasnya. Jadi, apapun pilihan Anda, pilihan tersebut tidaklah salah karena itu adalah hak Anda sebagai warga negara penikmat & pecinta gadget.
Buricak Burinyai
Buricak Burinyai
5 years
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Debat Capres Bukan Untuk Diehard Fans, Beri Ruang Lebih Untuk Pemilih Mengambang

Debat Capres Bukan Untuk Diehard Fans, Beri Ruang Lebih Untuk Pemilih Mengambang

Padahal esensi debat gak begitu. Menurut saya. Sebaiknya buat mereka yang merasa sudah kuat menentukkan pilihan politiknya di 17 April nanti. Menepi dulu deh. Biarkan para pemilih mengambang menikmati debat secara lebih leluasa.
Rianda Prayoga
Rianda Prayoga
5 years
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Seperti Apasih Caleg yang Layak Dipilih?

Seperti Apasih Caleg yang Layak Dipilih?

Sebenarnya caleg seperti apasih yang diharapkan masyarakat? Apa dia yang paling banyak kasih uang?
Rianda Prayoga
Rianda Prayoga
5 years
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7 Creepy Video Game Easter Eggs of All Time

7 Creepy Video Game Easter Eggs of All Time

When you’re developing a single game for anywhere from two to five years, you can get a little bored. One of the ways developers like to entertain themselves during long development sprints is to hide easter eggs in their games, and many times these little secrets are creepy as hell.
Dwisesha Bagas
Dwisesha Bagas
5 years
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Why should I use DuckDuckGo instead of Google?

Why should I use DuckDuckGo instead of Google?

So what make A Browser Duck Duck go is a must go to browser, okay i no talk here because because the CEO & Founder at (2008~Present) name Gabriel Weinberg's, He say...
Dwisesha Bagas
Dwisesha Bagas
5 years
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Why is Google the world's best search engine?

Why is Google the world's best search engine?

Google has been on air since 1998 and it has been almost 2 decades. Within these past years it has achived a whole new unbreakable milestone that none other can compete. And a few things that makes Google successful...
Dwisesha Bagas
Dwisesha Bagas
5 years
Approved by Plimbi
Top 12 Best PlayStation 2 Games of All Time

Top 12 Best PlayStation 2 Games of All Time

The PlayStation 2 had really flipped the gaming industry on its head when it came down to memorable games. There were so many games released on it that latched onto gamers like leeches. These games stand out in many gamers’ minds as some of the best games to ever grace their console. With that out of the way, sit back and enjoy our picks for the 15 Best PS2 Games of All Time.

Before we move ahead, we like to point out that the PS2 had an insane library of games. So, your favorite games may not be on this list. After all this is our opinion, so please keep this in mind.

Dwisesha Bagas
Dwisesha Bagas
5 years
Approved by Plimbi
AMD Ryzen TR (Current best CPU)

AMD Ryzen TR (Current best CPU)

Really neat Spec for the ULTIMATE GAMING /  WORKSTASION Because it has a lots i mean lots of core you can play game while you editing that 4K videos. But, power came with the price not just price that you will buy that gigantic CPU you need also buy the cooller of this beast because boy oh boy it very very HOT ! So you need at least a liquid cooller that is just the minimum okay.
Dwisesha Bagas
Dwisesha Bagas
5 years
Approved by Plimbi
Why AMD are cheap ?

Why AMD are cheap ?

Why are AMD's [CPU] chips cheaper than Intel's? Why just Why ?
Dwisesha Bagas
Dwisesha Bagas
5 years
Approved by Plimbi
Fakta game Pac-Man yang jarang diketahui oleh penggemar game nya sendiri

Fakta game Pac-Man yang jarang diketahui oleh penggemar game nya sendiri

tahukah kamu? sebelum diberi nama pac-man, game ini dulu bernama puck-man,kenapa?,lalu adanya misteri di level 256 ? lebih lengkapnya silahkan baca artikel saya
5 years
Approved by Plimbi
Jenis Jenis Perlindungan Tenaga Kerja

Jenis Jenis Perlindungan Tenaga Kerja

sebagai pekerja kamu harus tau apa saja perlindungan yang berhak kamu dapat,yuk baca apa saja itu
5 years
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Why Removable Batteries Are NEVER Coming Back !

Why Removable Batteries Are NEVER Coming Back !

Do you remember when you have early model smartphone or flip flop phone that cool, Swaping the battery of the phone is usually a piece of cake. thatyou want to remove it or swap with another battery that have been charge. many phone on that era use a battery that has a hard cover on it and easilly swap out.
Dwisesha Bagas
Dwisesha Bagas
5 years
Approved by Plimbi
From Noob To Master, Counter Strike:Global Offensive Tips And Tricks

From Noob To Master, Counter Strike:Global Offensive Tips And Tricks

Hello Welcome Back, On this Article I Will Show you things that you will change or adjust in setting or your habits. Let's Get Started
Dwisesha Bagas
Dwisesha Bagas
5 years
Approved by Plimbi
Inilah Kenapa Banyak Orang Benci JUMP FORCE

Inilah Kenapa Banyak Orang Benci JUMP FORCE

kenapa game ini banyak dibully orang?
5 years
Approved by Plimbi
Apa itu Internet marketing?

Apa itu Internet marketing?

Apa itu Internet Marketing ?
5 years
Approved by Plimbi
Cara membuat game menjadi tidak LAG !

Cara membuat game menjadi tidak LAG !

Ini Adalah Cara Membuat Game Kalian menjadi tidak Lag
Dwisesha Bagas
Dwisesha Bagas
5 years
Approved by Plimbi
Top 10 Anime list (Part 2)

Top 10 Anime list (Part 2)

List of Popular Anime (Part 2)
Dwisesha Bagas
Dwisesha Bagas
5 years
The 10 anime list (Part 1)

The 10 anime list (Part 1)

The anime popular list (Part 1)
Dwisesha Bagas
Dwisesha Bagas
5 years