EVERCOSS Winner Y Ultra VS Axioo PICOphone M4P
Komparasi Android RAM 2 GB Lokal Ekonomis, EVERCOSS Winner Y Ultra VS Axioo PICOphone M4P
8 years
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7 Smartphone Ini Paling Ditunggu Tahun 2016
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8 years
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5 Smartphone Lenovo Harga Rp 1 Jutaan
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Inilah Daftar Smartphone Infinix Beserta Harganya
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Raisa atau Isyana? Mana yang Lebih Baik?
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Acer Predator 8, Tablet Gaming Terbaru Dari Acer
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9 years
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Snapdragon 810 vs 820, Mana yang Lebih Jago?
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5 Smartphone dengan Kamera Laser Autofocus
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Adu Spesifikasi Microsoft Surface Pro 4 vs MacBook Air 13 Inch 2015
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9 years
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about Huknah / enema
Oxygenation requirement is a basic human need that is in use for the continuity of life-sustaining body cell metabolism and activity of various organs or cells.
B. Suggestions
With the completion of this paper is suggested to the reader in order to further deepen further the knowledge of the fulfillment oksigeni at the Hospital and can apply it in the world of nursing, midwifery and hoped that other health personnel are able to understand and explore the physiological need for oxygenation are basic human needs are very basic
Oxygenation requirement is a basic human need that is in use for the continuity of life-sustaining body cell metabolism and activity of various organs or cells.
B. Suggestions
With the completion of this paper is suggested to the reader in order to further deepen further the knowledge of the fulfillment oksigeni at the Hospital and can apply it in the world of nursing, midwifery and hoped that other health personnel are able to understand and explore the physiological need for oxygenation are basic human needs are very basic
9 years
Oxygenation requirement is a basic human need that is in use for the continuity of life-sustaining body cell metabolism and activity of various organs or cells.
B. Suggestions
With the completion of this paper is suggested to the reader in order to further deepen further the knowledge of the fulfillment oksigeni at the Hospital and can apply it in the world of nursing, midwifery and hoped that other health personnel are able to understand and explore the physiological need for oxygenation are basic human needs are very basic
9 years
inversio uteri
Inversio uterine fundus is a state in which the inverted partially or completely masukIni is the third stage of labor complications are very extreme. Inversio uteri occurred in several levels, ranging from extreme forms such as rollovers continue so that the inside of the fundus out through the cervix and are outside all the way into the uterine cavity. Therefore cervix getting blood supply so much so that the total inversio uteri can cause vasovagal shock and trigger a postpartum hemorrhage.
Inversio division uteri:
1. Inversio light uteri: fundus inverted protruding into the uterine cavity but not yet out of the uterine cavity.
2. Inversio uteri were: the upside and have entered into the vagina.
3. Inversio uterine weight: uterus and vagina everything upside down and some have been out of the vagina.
Causes Inversio uteri are:
1.Spontan: grande multipara, uterine atony, weakness content tools, high intra-abdominal pressure (straining and coughing).
2.Tindakan: crade excessive way, pull the cord, placenta manually enforced, the attachment of the placenta to the uterine wall.
Factors that facilitate the occurrence of uterine inversio:
1. Tunus uterine muscles are weak
2. The pressure or traction on the fundus (intra-abdominal pressure, pressure with your hands, pull on the cord)
3. Canalis cervical loose.
Handling the uterine inversion:
• To minimize the possibility of vasovagal shock and bleeding then it should be done as quickly as possible repositioning actions.
• Rinse the uterus with a solution of antiseptic and cover with a damp cloth (with warm NaCl) before the operation
• Take prompt resuscitation
Inversio uterine fundus is a state in which the inverted partially or completely masukIni is the third stage of labor complications are very extreme. Inversio uteri occurred in several levels, ranging from extreme forms such as rollovers continue so that the inside of the fundus out through the cervix and are outside all the way into the uterine cavity. Therefore cervix getting blood supply so much so that the total inversio uteri can cause vasovagal shock and trigger a postpartum hemorrhage.
Inversio division uteri:
1. Inversio light uteri: fundus inverted protruding into the uterine cavity but not yet out of the uterine cavity.
2. Inversio uteri were: the upside and have entered into the vagina.
3. Inversio uterine weight: uterus and vagina everything upside down and some have been out of the vagina.
Causes Inversio uteri are:
1.Spontan: grande multipara, uterine atony, weakness content tools, high intra-abdominal pressure (straining and coughing).
2.Tindakan: crade excessive way, pull the cord, placenta manually enforced, the attachment of the placenta to the uterine wall.
Factors that facilitate the occurrence of uterine inversio:
1. Tunus uterine muscles are weak
2. The pressure or traction on the fundus (intra-abdominal pressure, pressure with your hands, pull on the cord)
3. Canalis cervical loose.
Handling the uterine inversion:
• To minimize the possibility of vasovagal shock and bleeding then it should be done as quickly as possible repositioning actions.
• Rinse the uterus with a solution of antiseptic and cover with a damp cloth (with warm NaCl) before the operation
• Take prompt resuscitation
9 years
Adu Canggih, Samsung Galaxy S6 VS Oneplus 2
Perbandingan antara flagship dengan flagship killer dari berbagai aspek.
Fahd M.
9 years
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Wiko Indonesia Hadirkan 3 Smartphone Android Terbaru.
Wiko Indonesia rilis tiga smartphone Android terbaru sekaligus.Â
9 years
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