Apakah Facebook Memata matai kita

20 Feb 2019 13:31 1488 Hits 0 Comments
Jadi Facebook gratis apakah yakin Facebook gratis ? Di dunia ini yang semua serba mahal dan meraka tidak hanya menawarkan sebuah web yang gratis namun juga sebuah internet yang gratis. Kenapa mereka tetap saja semakin kaya walaupun mereka hanya mendapat uang dari iklan yang sangat jarang sekali kita lihat, lalu kenapa meraka memberikan sebuah internet dan akses gratis?

Apakah facebook memata matai kita mari kita lihat mengapa dan bagaimana cara facebook memata matai kita dan bagaimana cara kita untuk terhindar dari mata mata facebook. 

Jadi Facebook gratis apakah yakin Facebook gratis ? Di dunia ini yang semua serba mahal dan meraka tidak hanya menawarkan sebuah web yang gratis namun juga sebuah internet yang gratis. Kenapa mereka tetap saja semakin kaya walaupun mereka hanya mendapat uang dari iklan yang sangat jarang sekali kita lihat, lalu kenapa meraka memberikan sebuah internet dan akses gratis?

Sebenarnya mereka mendapat kan keuntungan terbesar dari data setiap orang yang mempunyai facebook pasti memiliki data pribadi yang dimana mereka akan jual untuk orang yang menginginkan dari foto nomor handphone sampai prilaku kalian dalam menanggapi bersosial. Data kalian tidak hanya personal namun juga mempunyai nilai jual tinggi apalagi sekarang facebook saat membuat akun baru kalian di haruskan memberikan Foto kepada facebook dengan kondisi jelas dan tidak tertutup oleh apapun. Ya maksud saya disini kalian dengan gampang di lebel dan di jual dengan harga yang mahal dan kalian di beri ucapan terimakasih dengan internet dan layanan fitur fitur.

Dikutip dari artikel luar negeri Alex Hern Quotes

No, Facebook isn't spying on you. At least not with the microphone

Dan tidak hanya itu Mark Zuckerberg berkata

Ya kami mengoleksi data pengguna, untuk mempermudah apa yang pengguna itu akan cari. Dengan cara mengoleksi data dari Website apa yang mereka kunjungi siapa teman teman mereka dan dimana lokasi orang tersebut.

Dan bagai mana menurut kalian jika aplikasi atau media yang kalian sering pakai ternyata memata matai anda dan menjual data pribadi anda.

Lalu juga kalau kalian pikir kalian aman jika tidak mempunyai akun Facebook maka kalian salah, jika kalian mempunyai seseorang yang mempunyai nomor handphone mu maka facebook sudah cukup tau dari itu karena facebook juga meminta akses ke Massage dan kontak teman kalian jadi kita semua tidak aman.

Lalu bagaimana cara untuk menghindari mata mata facebook sampai cara ini kita hanya bisa menyarankan dan ini tidak akan bisa 100% berkerja dan dimana ini hanya seperti gambling jadi. cara terbaik adalah jangan buat facebook

Di kutip dari Mirror

If Facebook isn't spying on us, why did I get ads for obscure things I had just chatted about?

A Facebook user has been left spooked after two obscure products she had been chatting about then randomly appeared as targeted ads on her page.

Journalist Tyler Mears was left stunned when the random items she had been talking about began popping up as adverts the next day.

But how did this happen? Is what they say - that Facebook is listening in on us 24/7 - true - or is there a less sinister explanation?

Tyler, who works for Wales Online , tells her story here -

For years now, there's been an "urban myth" that Facebook is using your phone's microphone to listen to your conversations and target you with ads.

The theory is that you chat about something with a friend - a broken washing machine or where you want to go on holiday - and then come across an ad for that very thing or place.

p:nth-of-type(6)","type":"performPlaceholder","relativePos":"after"}" data-darkreader-inline-bgimage="" data-darkreader-inline-border-bottom="" data-darkreader-inline-border-left="" data-darkreader-inline-border-right="" data-darkreader-inline-border-top="" data-darkreader-inline-color="" data-darkreader-inline-outline="" data-placeholder-placeholder="" data-response-start="3078.6299999999756" data-type="placeholder" id="perform-placeholder" style="background-image: initial; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; border: 0px; font-size: 16px; margin: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; color: rgb(224, 223, 219); font-family: "Open Sans", sans-serif; --darkreader-inline-bgimage: initial; --darkreader-inline-border-top: initial; --darkreader-inline-border-right: initial; --darkreader-inline-border-bottom: initial; --darkreader-inline-border-left: initial; --darkreader-inline-outline: initial; --darkreader-inline-color:#e0dfdb;"> 

Despite struggling to contain the conspiracy, Facebook has repeatedly denied it.

Mark Zuckerberg has even spoken about it himself, calling it a "conspiracy theory".

And the Facebook boss denied it again this week when he was questioned in front of US politicians at Congress, where he was quizzed about how the company uses data.

“Yes or no, does Facebook use audio obtained from mobile devices to enrich personal information about users?” asked Senator Gary Peters.

“No,” Zuckerberg said.

He went on to elaborate that Facebook does have access to audio when people record videos on their devices for Facebook, but otherwise it doesn’t access your microphone.

However, the rumour isn't going away, with more and more people claiming it's happening to them.

And I experienced it myself recently - twice. I talked about something with somebody and later got adverts for those two things.

At first, I thought I was just being paranoid. But the products are so utterly obscure that I'm struggling to explain how I could possibly have got those ads other than through the method Facebook categorically denies using.

Then things got weirder.

Over the weekend, one of the colleagues I had told about this had jokingly recounted my experience to one of the other mothers at her son's rugby game.

Like me, they both thought nothing more of it. Until the mother was also targeted with the same ad for female urination devices the following day.

Again, she claims that she hadn't researched the product in any way, apart from talking to my colleague about it at the game.

I just couldn't see what the explanation could be.

Apart from talking about it, I had not researched this product at all. So I hadn't Googled it, or typed it into Facebook.

Surely, this was such a random item that this ad couldn't be just a pure coincidence?

I decided to tell my work colleagues about it. And, naturally, most of them laughed and shrugged it off. I was suddenly becoming the crazy, conspiracy theorist Zuckerberg joked about.

terimakasih dan sampai jumpa !!


About The Author

Dwisesha Bagas 39

Dwisesha Bagas

Gaming,Coding,and Life
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