E-commerce and The Internet Technology at Community

28 Sep 2015 10:09 2570 Hits 1 Comments
the development of online business has increased since 2007 after the presence of e-commerce. the existence of e-commerce applications to bring change in the pattern of retail business in Indonesia, especially small and medium business sector. this is because the application can simplify and has many uses so that people want to use.

the current development of the technology continues to evolve. presence technology brings the impact of changes in humans. emerging technologies today is the internet technology. Internet is a technology that connects all computer networks worldwide. anyone can access the information via a personal computer, laptop, mobile phone. a person will not be restricted both in terms of place and time, so it can be accessed  anywhere and anytime.


Developing countries such as Indonesia, the Internet has many roles and uses in an effort to improve the economy. Internet technology has been widely used by everyone for a variety of needs. one of which is in the business unit, selling, market, and others. an example of a business unit is selling where buyers and sellers meet. as well as stores that are in the real world, sellers offering the products they sell to the buyer. buyer can select the items to be purchased. but it's all there on the internet. Internet technologies such as the so-called e-commerce. as well as buyers and sellers, sellers can upload all the items to the internet in the form of images. The images can be obtained through the camera vendor. then the images on the camera can be transferred to a personal computer, and then the image can be uploaded through a commerce site. sellers who want to upload must have an account that is equipped with a username and password as authentication of data. nor to buyers who want to buy goods in commerce site must have an account. after the buyers choose the goods and approve it, the buyer can pay or transfer some money and then proceed to confirm the payment. if the money has been received by the seller, the seller will deliver the goods via the services / goods delivery agencies that are scattered throughout the city. and finally the goods received by the buyer.


the development of online business has increased since 2007 after the presence of e-commerce. the existence of e-commerce applications to bring change in the pattern of retail business in Indonesia, especially small and medium business sector. this is because the application can simplify and has many uses so that people want to use.

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