Tentang Kosmetik Indonesia

4 Sep 2015 22:34 1950 Hits 0 Comments
Maklon Kosmetik, a company that produces Trusted Cosmetic Products in Indonesia.

For those of you who are looking for information about Maklon Kosmetik Products, the following is a brief information about the existence of the company. This article deliberately admin published as a form of respect for the company that has been tolling participate actively contributed greatly to the distribution of cosmetics in Indonesia, especially Cosmetics are healthy and do not contain harmful chemicals. Which many find that the majority of cosmetic products that have been circulating in the market still there are no through permission BPOM and mercury-containing materials. So for you, especially the women who want to get beauty products tolling or want to become a marketing agent of this product, please refer to the following brief review ya ..

Cosmetic tolling company

PT. Joya Hougan Lestari
PT. Joya Joya Hougan Lestari or Hougan is a manufacturing company that produces all variants of cosmetic products. We have got the production license from the Ministry of Health BPOM RI, and received GMP certificate or often known as GMP.
PT. Joya Hougan Lestari offers manufacturing services, known as tool manufacturing or tolling for all variants of cosmetic products.

For more info contact:
SMS: 0878 7011 4545
BBM: 54EF5332

Maklon Kosmetik a company that produces Trusted Cosmetic Products in Indonesia. The following is a list of some of the tolling Cosmetic products in Indonesia, namely:
- Tolling Cosmetic Body Scrub
- Tolling Cosmetics Body Lotion
- Tolling Cosmetic Cream
- Tolling Cosmetics Night Cream
- Cosmetic tolling Day and Night Cream
- Hower tolling Cosmetic Gel
- Cosmetic tolling Erum
- Tolling Soap
- Cosmetic tolling Transparent Soap
- Tolling Cosmetics Herbal Soap
- Soap tolling Hotel
- Tolling Soap Gift Offers
Circulation of cosmetic ingredients in Indonesia is growing rapidly, and many heard the news through the news on television, there are several parties who are not responsible for misuse of certain brands and produces similar products but with the material - not original material they were made. For that hopefully the presence of this short review, you can add insight, especially the Eve who are seeking information Maklon Kosmetik products, whether for business developers, users and the promotion. That in order to get the actual tolling products can only be found at the above address.


About The Author

Ahmad Muzakki 12

Ahmad Muzakki

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From Ahmad Muzakki