Tips on How to Test the Internet Speed Easily

23 Oct 2012 16:30 2990 Hits 0 Comments Approved by Plimbi
Normally, before you sign up for the broadband or dial-up internet services, the ISP (internet service provider) will be giving you the detail about your internet connection speed. But, if you want to check by yourself or just being curious about how fast your internet connection speed is, then you must pay attention to the following tips about how to test the internet speed easily.

Normally, before you sign up for the broadband or dial-up internet services, the ISP (internet service provider) will be giving you the detail about your internet connection speed. But, if you want to check by yourself or just being curious about how fast your internet connection speed is, then you must pay attention to the following tips about how to test the internet speed easily.

Before we begin with the tips about how to test the internet speed, it’s very beneficial for you to know about the internet connection speed. The internet connection speed is definitely the transfer rate or velocity of the data from your PC/laptop to the internet and vice versa. The regular measurement of the data speed will be the bits per second. The lowest data transfer rate is 56 kbps (kilobits per second) that is usually owned by the standard dial-up modem and the highest speed is up to 24 Mbps (megabytes per second). For your information, 1 Bytes is equal with 8 bits and the letter ‘B’ in Bytes will always come with the capital letter.

It is better for you to close all of the applications that use the internet bandwidth to get the most accurate outcome of the test. Then try to look for the website that provides the internet connection speed test for example or This online speed test will typically take a very short time. The test outcomes may differ from each site, so it is advisable to check out for the other websites.

If you use the, select a server from the list that is provided to start the test. Then you will be given the results that will be provided after the test is finished (usually located at the bottom of the graph near the bottom section of the page). You may consider running the test for several times in order to get a better reading of the average speed of your PC's internet connection. If you choose the, it will provide you the futuristic webpage’s appearance and also the ease of use.

The results usually consist of the download and upload speed reports. Those are definitely the significant information about the overall internet connection speed. The download speed belongs to the rate of data transmission from the internet to the computer/laptop, while the upload speed belongs to the rate of data transmission from the computer/laptop to the internet.

For those who wonder about how to test the internet speed on smartphones like iPhone, Android or BlackBerry, there are actually lots of sites that provide the speed test for mobile devices. The (mobile) is one of the recommended sites for you to try. [IS]


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