If you happen to unfamiliar with the cell phone jammer, then this post will probably be very useful for you to check out. Or else, this device will be very helpful for you whenever there are some persons at public area such as restaurants, movie theaters, concerts, shopping malls, churches or public transportation who speak loudly on their own mobile phone with little regard for everybody around them. So now, let’s have a look at the following thought about how to use the cell phone jammer wisely and appropriately.
Before we begin with the very first idea about how to utilize the cell phone jammer, it will be rather beneficial for you to know the brief summary of this device first. This is basically the instrument which can be used to prevent any mobile phones from receiving signals from base stations whether it runs on 2G or 3G network. At any time this device is utilized, the jammer will effectively disable the mobile phone’s signal so that the phone can’t be used for making or receiving any phone calls, sending messages and internet browsing. Moreover, this device can be well-performed in almost any location in the world. But of course, the device will be very useful whenever it is used at the place where the silence is expected by everyone.
So now, how the cell phone jammer works? Basically, the concept of disrupting any mobile phone’s signal is very identical with the jamming operation for any other radio communication. The device will communicate on the same radio frequency as the mobile phone and then disrupts the communication between the mobile phone and the phone’s base station. The device will also block the service of radio spectrum to the mobile phone users within range of the device. Besides the GSM and 3G networks, this device can disrupt the signal of the phone that runs on AMPS, CDMA, TDMA, GSM, PCS, DCS, iDEN and also Nextel systems. Furthermore, this jamming device will be capable of blocking the signal of the old-fashioned analog mobile phones and also the most recent digital portable devices.
In the market, you will find a great number of the cell phone jammer available for purchase. The selling price is about $125 to $299. The latest product comes with the hidden antenna which can be a perfect disguise so that everyone will not consider this as the jamming device.
Actually, there are several positive and also negative opinions about the cell phone jammer. Some might say that this device will be very helpful since it will help someone to block the phone’s signal of the people who speak loudly on the phone that will surely disturb others. But on the other hand, some will think that this device may affect the public safety concern or on the other words it is illegal. As the simple illustration, what if this device blocks the phone’s signal of someone who would like to call 911 or other emergency needs. There is also one opinion that this device may affect the police radio, but it is still a speculation from the ordinary people not from the expert. [IS]