Google Play Books Overview - Improve your Reading Experience with this Application

21 Sep 2012 16:30 2569 Hits 0 Comments Approved by Plimbi
For those of you who own the e-reader tablet, then you may want to try out the Google Play Books app. This is actually the helpful app for your tablet since it can deliver the new experience in reading your favorite e-books. Thus, let-™s take a closer look at the following overview of Google Play Books app for your own consideration whether it-™s worth to obtain for your e-reader device.
For those of you who own the e-reader tablet, then you may want to try out the [**Google Play Books**]( "Google Play Books Overview - Improve your Reading Experience with this Application") app. This is actually the helpful app for your tablet since it can deliver the new experience in reading your favorite e-books. Thus, let’s take a closer look at the following overview of Google Play Books app for your own consideration whether it’s worth to obtain for your e-reader device. By using the [Google Play]( "3 Aplikasi Alat Musik Android Terkeren di Google Play Store") Books app, users will be able to personalize their reading experience. There will be several features included in this application including the ability to change font, search within the book, get information about e-book, night-reading mode, read books offline, voice over support and manage the library. Moreover, you can discover millions of titles on Google Play as well as free preview pages and unlimited storage of books in the digital. Also, you can sync with your own books library that means you can access all of the books wirelessly from the digital cloud. Another benefit will be the ability to pick up reading where you left off thanks to the automatic page position syncing across devices. The Google Play Books app is available to download for iOS and Android-based devices. The app requires iOS 4.0 (or above) or it is compatible with iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. To download this application for free in App Store, you can simply [click here]( "download"). The latest version comes with many new features in flowing text mode including the ability to bookmark a page by tapping the top right corner and also the ability to touch and hold to select some texts. Whenever you opt for the text, you will be able to highlight and annotate that text, and those annotations will automatically sync to your other iOS-powered handsets and also to the Web Reader. There is also the Scanned Pages feature that will allow you to turn the pages into an original scanned print of the actual book. For the Android OS users, the Google Play Books is available to download for free in the Play Market. The app requires at least Android 2.2 (Froyo) and you can just [click here]( "download") to download this application instantly. The app is compatible with several portable e-book readers like Amazon Kindle Fire and Nook tablet. The company has apparently given an update for smartphone users namely the brand new interface which includes the 3D page turn rendering. This feature is previously available only for the tablet that runs Android 3.0 (Honeycomb) or the Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich). Additionally, the in-book searching feature does n't need an [internet]( "Lenovo A185 - Handphone Murah Fitur Lengkap Dual SIM Plus Internet") connection to work and you will find out that the new home screen shortcut exists for a single book. In general, [Google]( "Duel Browser Android - Google Chrome Beta VS Opera Mobile ") Play Books app is worth to obtain mainly because it supports for syncing over the digital cloud and also the ability to pick up reading where you left off. Unfortunately, you will not be able to bookmark pages, add notes and also highlight passages. Furthermore, the app lacks the built-in store to easily buy books. But hopefully, the future updates may overcome these drawbacks. [IS]

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