What is SMS? - The Definition and The History of SMS

21 Jan 2013 23:30 2155 Hits 0 Comments Approved by Plimbi
For those who do not recognize or just wondering what is SMS? Here you can find the meaning and the brief history of this highly functional feature. Since the mobile phone released in the world for the first time, it gained a great responses and highly appreciated by the market.

For those who do not recognize or just wondering what is SMS? Here you can find the meaning and the brief history of this highly functional feature. Since the mobile phone released in the world for the first time, it gained a great responses and highly appreciated by the market. This device changed instantly the way of people in communicating with others especially for a long distance and wireless communication. At the first time, the main feature of mobile phone is definitely the wireless phone call functionality. Later, it has the capability of sending and receiving messages. Nowadays, you can find many innovative features in the most recent and advanced mobile phones.

So, what is SMS? It stands for Short Messaging Service. It is a short message in alphanumeric text form that evolved in the world of mobile telecommunications. At the first glance, this feature is not much different from the text messaging service from the previous device i.e. the pager which has now become rarely used; moreover it is getting close to the extinction.

After understanding what is SMS, let’s take a look at the brief history of this feature. Actually, there is no individual or company that claims to be the first maker of this feature. It is a part of the GSM project that had been performed by several countries. The proposal to develop the SMS as part of the GSM technology prepared in 1985 by France Telecom and Deutsche Telecom. The history of SMS appeared in December 1992. The very first message was sent by Neil Papworth of Sema Group (now Airwide solution) from an office computer to Richard Jarvis’ Orbitel 901 mobile (GSM Vodafone) in the United Kingdom. This message contained "Merry Christmas” text. One year later, Riku Pihkonen, as the engineering of Nokia, developed successfully a new type of SMS that can be sent from the GSM phone to other GSM phone. After 18 years, this feature is increasingly being used by mobile phone users worldwide.

After understanding what is SMS and its history, let’s see the interesting facts about this feature. The cost of sending message is regularly cheap. The message will always be endeavored to be sent to the destination. If a destination number is not active or outside the network, the message is stored in the SMSC (SMS Center) server. The message will also be sent to the destination even if the destination is in talks or busy network. It also can be sent to multiple recipients at the same time. These messages can be sent to different kinds of purposes, such as e-mail, IP, or other applications, it has many advantages such as it can be integrated with the application of premium content, quizzes, voting, chat, reservations, request information, survey, and many others. [IS]


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