How Lithium-ion Batteries Work? The Overview of Li-ion Battery for Smartphone and Tablet

15 Nov 2012 12:00 3455 Hits 0 Comments Approved by Plimbi
If you happen to be the owner or highly active user of mobile phone, smartphone or tablet, then you will be very familiar with the term Li-ion battery. This is one of the most important parts of any mobile gadget around the world. For those who do not recognize or just wondering how lithium-ion batteries work?

If you happen to be the owner or highly active user of mobile phone, smartphone or tablet, then you will be very familiar with the term Li-ion battery. This is one of the most important parts of any mobile gadget around the world. For those who do not recognize or just wondering how lithium-ion batteries work? The following is the elaboration about the working principle of this standard rechargeable battery of Li-ion. This battery has been widely known and also used simply because the usage of notebook, mobile phone, PDA, iPod and many other portable gadgets continue to increase around the world.

In line with the popularity of this type of the battery, you will also often hear some the problem of this battery just for example the shorter battery life. So, whenever you ask anybody how lithium-ion batteries work? The right answer can help you to prevent this problem so that you can make your battery power lasts longer. The Li-ion battery has been categorized as the group of standard rechargeable battery pack. Based on its name, the li-ion battery works based on the movement of lithium ions. Those ions move one way whenever the battery charges or while it absorbs power/electricity.

Then, the ions will move the opposite way whenever the battery discharges or while it supplies power/electricity to your portable or mobile gadgets. The battery also consists of various types which will surely come with the differentiation in terms of the performance, cost, and also the safety characteristics. Unlike the standard battery (for example alkaline batteries), the Li-ion can be recharged for many times. This can be one of the main benefits contained in this battery type since it can recharged for several times without having to lose some battery capacity.

On the other words, it has the potentiality to handle hundreds of charge or discharge cycles. It is rather silly thing to do if we have to change or purchase the new battery for your device every day. Moreover, it incredibly has the integrated electronic controllers which regulate how it charges and discharges. It is very different with the other standard batteries out there in the marketplace. By having this capability, it will be capable of preventing both the overheating and also the overcharging which may cause the battery to become bulging or even exploding.

The other advantages of li-ion battery will be the light-weight, reliability as well as the environmentally friendliness. This will not suffer from the memory effect mainly because it doesn’t contain any nickel-cadmium material. As a result, it can be easily and fully charged without having to fully discharge it at the first place. Theoretically, it is somewhat eco-friendly and it is relatively light for the amount of energy they store. Furthermore, this kind of battery has been applied for some sophisticated electric cars. It will take approximately three and half hours to charge and the car can be used for the driving activity for more than 350 km. Hopefully, after reading this post you will not be asking anymore about how lithium-ion batteries work? And then you will be able to prevent this battery from getting run out quickly. [IS]


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